First *actual* day - Reisverslag uit Artane, Ierland van Jurri Hartvig - First *actual* day - Reisverslag uit Artane, Ierland van Jurri Hartvig -

First *actual* day

Door: Me

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Jurri

12 Januari 2015 | Ierland, Artane


I'm opening my laptop for the second time today. Kind of without inspiration, I'm staring at this travel report window on this dreadful website. My seemingly good spirit, which I had for a few days now, slowly seeping away. It's in these times that I start writing nonsense.

It's like those times when you had to write a report for school with a certain amount of words but you could never really get to that amount. Or you just kept writing bullshit until you had reached it anyhow. It's one of those times.
As you start your gibberish, readying yourself to get into a writing mood, you start to notice things. Tiny things which make you start wondering. For example: I wrote 'bullshit' a couple of sentences back. You may look it back if you need to, it should still be there, but normally speaking, I'm not the kind of person who would write something like that. Yes, I would totally say it all the time, but while I'm writing a story for friends, family... old family to read, I watch my language. However, the browser I'm using, talking to you Google Chrome, found that I wrote a rather strange word. The strangeness of it was indicated with one of those helpful red squiqly, correction, squiggly lines, shown underneath the word. This 'nonsense' word I wrote, you must be curious now, the word which caused this big wall of text, was 'bullcrap'. Apparently this is a non-existent word for Google Chrome.

There we have it, the perfect introduction to another travel diary. Speaking of travel, this blog should be about my adventures in Dublin. Luckily, I can now get right to it were it not dinner's ready and I'm sitting behind a stupid laptop at the dinner table.



The first day of internship didn't go as I had planned it out to be. I cycled the route to school yesterday, so luckily, I didn't have any problems finding the university and the building I was located in.

Arriving at the school, I was first issued to go to the reception to tell them: "hey I'm here!" while I was coming up with a great first response, varying from saying "Good morning, I had an appointment" to shouting "What's up party people?" shortly after hugging the building, the lady at the reception ruined my brilliant sought-after comment by making the first move. "Hey! Are you the student here for Lorraine?"
"Why, yes I am!" I replied.
After that there was a big adventure unraveling before my very eyes. I went to meet a PhD student who was doing his master in the same office as I would be stationed in. I had an introductory chat with my internship supervisor about various tasks and projects I would be performing. Apparently there are four PhD students walking about under supervision of Lorraine and there is one serious project for a serious game in the conceptual stage. I would probably be jumping between those PhD students' projects and probably be working on that hotshot other project later. I can't wait! There are so many projects going on now, I'm afraid I might even be short on time and I might be able to pick my own projects out of a list of things! It's incredible!
After that I... played Plants versus Zombies for two hours on my mobile phone. Yes, I had nothing to do. I had received everything or it was being taken care of for me, all I had to do was wait for a project to come to me, which would later happen.

In-between the two hours of exhausting, excruciating non-stop waves of, somehow hungry for plants but not for brains, zombies, the PhD student I was working with asked if I wanted to go for lunch. "Yeah, sure" I nonchalantly said, while craving the plants more than the actual zombies in my virtual backyard, yet I was too shy to move out of my own.

We stepped out the building into the cold (I'm always cold) and walked across the campus to another building. In there I could make out the letters 'bar' on the side of the wall up ahead. The first actual student bar I would go to in Ireland, look at that.
We walked in and we walked to the bar, ordering a pint each and having a nice chat and getting to know each other over a nice pint of crappy beer. Coors light. Before you start to shout that I'm an alcoholic, this was after lunch so it's okay. During the two hours I was at my internship he said he could go for a pint. Social person as I am, I went with him to get one, as you can't get to know someone better than having a drink with them. After that, we returned to our office to 'work' some more, which in my case, if you had not already noticed by the apostrophes which closed in the word 'work', meant more Plants versus Zombies.

Luckily for me, after another hour, my internship supervisor came in again with, what I believe to be the first actual good-looking girl I've seen so far in Ireland. Calm down now, even though I have a girlfriend I can still say if a girl is good-looking. I have the best looking girl waiting for me back home. Anyhow, she was another PhD student I could work on her master with. I helped her with the cognitive game she was creating for her research with children. When I read the instructions of the mini-games the kids were supposed to do, I didn't even know what the game was about! You can say a lot about me, but when it comes down to having the brain capacity of a child, I sure have that. It was then that I realized that these kids would never be able to do these mini-games. After one and a half hour or so, we were done, the new instructions were clear to her and my first day was over! I have been given, not a monkey-slave job at DCU, but a leadership, expertise job where people come to me for consult and advice on game design.

All in all, I couldn't be happier with how I was welcomed by my family, supervisor and fellow-students.

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Verslag uit: Ierland, Artane


I'm not a leprechaun

Actief sinds 09 Jan. 2015
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09 Januari 2015 - 31 December 2015


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